MADRID, 1 week to go!
Hello world, this is me!
I´m a green butterfly in peace and this will be my travels blog when I´m in Madrid. This will be my second time living in Madrid and I´m super excited!=) Last year I was a au-pair in Alcobendas, Madrid and this time I will be a au-pair in the center.
My name is Moa and I´m a Swedish blond and I´m loving life. This travels blog will be the beginning of something more fun than my other blog because this will be about more things that happens in my life. I will try to up-date quite a bit and also I will enjoy posting photos of the life I will be living for the next 8 months.=)
For you people who doesn’t know Madrid; It´s a wonderful older city and the population is around 6 millions I´ve heard (so quite big)... The reason to visit Madrid would be for the people, night-life, food, sight-sing and just have a crazy summer heat!=)
Feel free to ask me all you want, if I can answer you I will.=)
Madrid, here I come!
"Live each day as it would be the last, dream as if you would live forever...."
Have a wonderful time in Madrid! You know we love you!